10 Lights, Grip and crew
10 Lights, Grip and crew
What's included?
Whether it’s Music Videos, Shorts or any of your Small Productions, our compact video lights package will take you to the next level. We have everything you need from FS-300 Nanlites to FS-200, Falcon Eyes RX-18T and Lishui LED sticks to execute your small production. Rent your 10 lights, grip and crew below!
- 2 x lights - Nanlite FS-300
- 5x lights - Nanlite FS-200
- 1 x light - Falcon Eyes RX-18T ROLL-FLEX LED mat(foldable)
- 2 x light - Lishui LED Lite sticks
- 2 x softbox - Godox SB-FW 30x120cm
- 3 x softbox - Godox 60x90cm
- 2 x softbox - Nanlite 150cm
- 2 x softbox - Hilight 120cm
- 1 x softbox - Nanlite 110x45cm
- 1 x softbox - Aputure lantern 2.2'
- 4 x c-stands
- 2 x high roller combo stand
- 4 x medium light compact
- 6 x light stands medium
- 4 x super clamps
- 1 x color gel set
- 8 x sand bags
- 2 x apple box set - Full, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8
- 6x6 frame solid black, ultra bounce
- 1 x seamless paper backdrop w/ stands
- 2 x floppy
- 1 x flag set - 2 cutter, 2 full nets, 2 half nets, 2 silks
- 1 x grip & lighting expendables box
- 1 x gaffer (12 hours)
- 1 x electrician (12 hours)
- 2 x grips (12 hours)
- 1 x lighting van with driver (12 hours)
*recommended for your Music Videos, Shorts and any small production shoots
Book your equipment now!