Film Fixer Thailand

When the time comes to find a film fixer in Thailand, look no further than Wind Up Films. Our team of highly-experienced professionals has years of in-country experience and unique local knowledge. These hard-working fixers remain always ready to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to ensure your production success. Having a local film fixer in your corner is a necessity in a foreign country. If you have any questions about our services, please feel free to reach out at any time. We promptly respond to questions, inquiries, and quotation requests. Fill out the form below if you wish, otherwise call or email. Read on to learn more about how a Thailand film fixer can help make your next project the best it can be.
Our Work

Our Clients
Fixing And Production Support

Film fixers are essentially general production support specialists. They work on a fixed salary and labor day and night to solve problems in a local setting. Hiring a film fixer is essentially like hiring an extra producer, only one with unrivaled knowledge of local cultures, customs, laws, and legislation. Film fixers are often most useful in the pre-production phase when securing locations, permits, and hiring local crew and equipment. However, a good film fixer will remain on call and ready for action all the way until a visiting production has completely wrapped.
Location Scouting & Management Fixer Services

As mentioned above, having an expert local film fixer on hand in Thailand will be greatly beneficial during pre-production. This is because the planning stages of your film or television series are of great importance. Here the foundation is built for every aspect that is to follow, and this is especially true when it comes to deciding which locations to shoot in. Locations can make or break a project, essentially affecting both the on-screen scenery as well as the logistical aspects of production management. Secluded Thailand locations may be exotic and original, however such hard to reach destinations will also prove more difficult to access for transportation and deliveries. Nevertheless, a Thailand film fixer will smooth out the process and make it as easy as it can be.
Easy to reach destinations such as a unique office building or hotel in Bangkok or Chiangmai will require fewer logistical considerations. However, the owner of such a site might be absent or reticent to hire out their property for filming. Again, the film fixer team at Wind Up Films can assist, negotiating for access and reasonable pricing. Our film fixers have the kind of local knowledge that only a native has, with the language abilities and finesse to navigate cultural and social landscapes.
Permits Fixing Services

Once you have chosen the best Thailand locations for your next TVC, music video, or feature film, there’s still the matter of permits. This is why Thailand’s film fixer pros never stop until everything is taken care of. Thai film fixers have the right connections and can call upon a vast network of contacts, both in the film industry and in official capacities. Failure to obtain film permits can delay or halt production entirely. Film fixers are keenly aware of this and work day and night ensuring all the proper paperwork is in order. Obtaining permits can often be a headache for production staff. Hiring a film fixer from Wind Up Films outsources this process, so directors and producers can focus on the most important aspect of production, the creative process.
Equipment And Crew Services

As we mentioned above, a Thailand film fixer is always on call throughout every important stage of film and television production. This includes the earliest planning stages all the way up to the work in the editing room. Film fixers remain on call from before visiting foreign production staff arrives all the way up to departure. And one key stage of production a film fixer can assist with is hiring the right local crew. Many higher budget visiting productions bring in their own key lead crew members, such as DOPs, directors, and production managers. However, it will be necessary for productions of all sizes to hire some support or lead crew positions locally. Again, Wind Up Film’s fixer staff are ready to assist with this important hiring process.
Calling upon their network, they can help your production find the best local gaffers, grips, prop departments, wardrobe and art departments. These consummate professionals will always be fluent in English and/or Mandarin Chinese. Furthermore, technical crew such as camera and sound operators will be trained up to exacting western standards, ensuring success. And film fixers remain on hand throughout principal photography, always negotiating, problem-solving, and troubleshooting wherever needed
Thanks for taking the time to read more about Wind Up Films’ film fixer services in Thailand, our SE Asian headquarters. If you have any more questions, do call or email us at any time. We provide prompt quotations and respond quickly to all inquiries. Wind Up Films is a well-established, highly regarded local production company. With our professionals in your corner, we’re sure your next Thailand production will light up the screen with memorable visual storytelling.